The Juice Diet
What it is: The Juice Diet is not actually a diet at all but actually more of a fast to rid your body of harmful toxins and motivate your metabolism and prepare you for a long-term diet plan.
How it works: This five day fast replaces all food consumption with fruit and vegetable juice.
What you do: Don’t eat, have a drink on the Juice Diet. For five days you will only consume 100 percent juice, such as recommended carrot, pineapple, and celery juice. Juice should be freshly prepared or at least recently purchased. Dieters on this plan should make sure to drink plenty of water as well and get as much sleep as possible – you’ll need it to avoid headaches and decreased strength and energy levels.
Benefits: This crash course diet will cause you to lose some weight but bear in mind that this is mostly water weight.
Downside: If you return to your old eating habits after completing the Juice Diet, the pounds will pack right back on. And beyond that, just about everything else that can be bad about a diet plan applies to juice fasting. Consult a doctor before beginning the Juice Diet.
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