JuggHub Sport Water Jug Holders Review
JuggHub Sport Water Jug Holders
Gifted By: Jugg Hub
Reviewed by Natalie Terchek, Editor of FaveHealthyRecipes.com
Athletes understand how hard it is to transport their large jugs of water to and from practice. Cup holders aren't large enough to hold their water jugs, which means they're often rolling around the car and spilling all over the floor. However, the JuggHub Sport Water Jug Holder can be the answers to an athlete's solution. You can easily place this device in your trunk, on your seat or on the floor of your car, and it will hold all of your water jugs in place.
It can fit any jug size up to 2 gallons, and it keeps them upright and contained, which means you no longer have to worry about your water spilling all over the floor! Don't be surprised if you become a better driver, because these jug holders will allow you to put more focus on the road and less focus on what's going on in your car.
Wondering what you will do with these jug holders when your sports season is over? You can easily fit them on any shelf and store your jugs in them, until you're ready to use it again. It's quite convenient!
You don't have to be an athlete to get a good use out of this tool - stay-at-home moms absolutely love these jug holders while they're driving their kids to soccer practice. They make car rides a lot more stress-free, because you'll no longer be dodging every bump in the road to prevent spillage. You'll find that these devices will really come in handy!