Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
What it is: The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, written by Rachel and Richard Heller MD, is based on the belief that most bodies do not process carbohydrates properly. This results in an insulin imbalance that causes frequent food cravings.
How it works: The diet is designed to manage your insulin levels and help fight your carb addiction.
What you do: The Carbohydrate Addicts diet includes a list of foods that are “allowed,” and prohibits anything not on the list. The meal plan splits each day into 2 types of meals: the main meals and the reward meal. The main meals are made up of protein (like fish, chicken or lean beef) and vegetables. The reward meal can be anything you want, but the diet recommends that it be made up of equal parts protein, fibrous vegetables and carbohydrates. You must consume the reward meal within an hour.
Benefits: Many people have found success with a low-carb eating plan, as proteins and fats often lead to making you feel more full and satisfied. The Carbohydrate Addict diet prevents you from wasting your time. The book opens with a questionnaire to determine if you are a good candidate for the plan.
The Down Side: It can be hard to sustain a diet with such a low intake of carbohydrates. Some doctors have expressed concern over the high protein intake and high calorie content of this diet.