One Day Diet
What it is: The One Day Diet has been around since the 1990s and has been proven to be a great weight loss plan. The One Day Diet’s name is slightly misleading as it does not actually end after one day but actually refers to being on a “diet” every other day.
How it works: By incorporating 100 percent more protein (to prevent muscle loss) and 40 percent less calories (to lose more fat), followers of this diet plan consume special diet wafers (available online) during one day and eat whatever you want the following day.
What you do: During “Diet Day,” you must eat twenty small vanilla or chocolate diet wafers and drink eight glasses of water throughout the day. It is suggested that you eat the wafers every one to two hours. Raw fruit of your choice is permitted but all other food must be restricted. On your “Food Day” eat as much of your favorite foods as you desire.
Benefits: This diet is easy for most people to stick to because even though you are technically dieting, you are permitted to cheat every other day!
Downside: The diet wafers are only available online and cost about $39.95 for a 14 day supply.