The Lighter Life Diet
Only suitable for those with a BMI over 29, the Lighter Life Diet is a very low calorie diet which promises to shed up to 15 pounds a month.
What it is: The Lighter Life diet combines a low calorie diet, completely comprised of Lighter Life meal replacement options, with counseling. The diet treats over-eating like any other addiction and believes people have to understand why they turn to food in a situation where thinking about food has been eliminated through meal replacement packs.
How it works: All normal food is banned during the Lighter Life program. Instead, people eat “Foodpacks” comprised of shakes, mousses, soups and bars. These packs contain all essential nutrients and eliminate the participant’s need to think about food choices. Participants also drink 4 liters of water a day to remove waste product caused by rapid loss of fat.
What you do: Signing up for the first “Foundation” phase, participants eat only from the Foodpacks and attend weekly counseling sessions. Weight loss continues through Development phase until the Management phase, when you have met your weight loss goals. In this last phase, you slowly return to normal foods with the help of the program’s eating plans. Participants are encouraged to exercise as they progress in the program and are provided with pedometers, exercise DVDs and other items.
Benefits: The Diet addresses the emotional factors that contribute to weight gain, such as turning to food as a comfort and helps to create a support network for healthier living.
The Down Side: Rapid weight loss can cause saggy skin and more serious side-effects such as gallstones. The lack of normal food in this diet is hardly enjoyable and can restrict your ability to participate in social functions such as dinner with friends.