
Creamy Mashed Potatoes & Savory Mushroom Gravy

By: Melissa Huggins from
Creamy Mashed Potatoes Savory Mushroom Gravy

"Bring on the dreamy Mashed Potatoes & Mushroom Gravy! This traditional holiday goodness is so easy to make, super creamy, comforting and it’s the whole enchilada to your holiday meal. Potatoes cooked in most forms are comforting and delicious, BUT mashed & smothered in a creamy, savory & rich mushroom gravy? Well, now that’s on another level and I think most of us can relate. This is the epitome of comfort food! Mashed potatoes and gravy are a match made in heaven – who can resist the fluffiness, creaminess & savoriness? I sure can’t…let me at it! Pass the shovel please!"

Serves8 people

Preparation Time15 min

Cooking Time40 min


Main Menu
