How to Sun Dry Tomatoes
Looking for a guide on how to sun dry tomatoes? Well here it is in all its glory. Learn the three major methods for drying tomatoes. Use the traditional method of sun drying, or learn how to dry tomatoes using modern cooking technology. No matter how you choose to dry your tomatoes, you will find the information you need right here! Sun dried tomatoes are great on salads, on top of pastas, or even just as a healthy snack.
How to Make Sun Dried Tomatoes
How to Make Oven Dried Tomatoes
How to Make Machine Dried Tomatoes
Tips on Drying Tomatoes
- Roma tomatoes are considered the best for drying because they have a rich flavor and are not particularly watery
- There are three kinds of drying: sun drying, oven drying, and using a professionaly drying machine.
- Sun dried tomatoes are an Italian tradition
- Dried tomatoes are great in pastas, salads, or as snacks
- Drying tomatoes was originally invented as a way to save the large tomato crops for use throughout the year. Today, people dry tomatoes mainly for the unique flavor that dried tomatoes have.
How to Make Sun Dried Tomatoes
Sun drying tomatoes can be a difficult task because of the constant danger of bugs, but it is by no means impossible. Start off by quartering your roma tomatoes. Find a high place outside and place down plastic wrap. Place your tomatoes early in the morning on this plastic wrap and then cover them with sea salt. If you give your tomatoes a full day of sun, they will begin to dry up and the bugs won't touch them. One day of drying is not enough, however. You will have to place the same tomatoes out every morning until they have dried properly. This may take many days, depending on the heat.
How to Make Oven Dried Tomatoes
Instead of taking the time to dry your tomatoes outside over days, you may choose to use your oven to speed up the process. Begin by quartering your tomatoes. Then, arrange them on a baking dish and sprinkle salt and olive oil on them. Bake at 250 degrees F for as long as it takes for them to dry at your preference. Take them out and cool. This may take a long time depending on how juicy your tomatoes are.
How to Make Machine Dried Tomatoes
If you have a drying machine, then your method for drying tomatoes will be a little different. Start by quartering your tomatoes and squeezing them with a strainer to get as much juice out as possible. This will shorten the drying time. Then, slice them into small pieces and place them on your drying device. Cover them with some sea salt and turn the machine on. Check on them every couple of hours to see how they are coming along. They are only done when they have reached your personal favorite level of dryness.
If you are looking for some great healthy recipe to try now that you know how to make dried tomatoes, check out one of these great recipes from FaveHealthyRecipes that has dried tomatoes in it!
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