The LA Weight Loss Diet Plan
What it is: The LA Weight Loss plan sends dieters to a weight loss center where they are provided counseling and meal guidance. The plan includes weigh-ins, meetings, newsletters and meal recommendations from both supermarket items and LA Weight Loss Diet brand products.
How it works: Diets range from 1,200 calories to 2,400 calories and occur in three phases. The first phase, which is designed for weight loss, focuses the dieter on a daily calorie intake and includes seeing a counselor three times per week. The second phase lasts for six weeks and in this phase calories are slowly increased and dieters meet with counselors twice per week. The last phase involves dieters visiting with a counselor once a week, and it is recommended that dieters remain with LA Weight Loss for a full year.
What you do: Clients fill out an extensive profile and are then given meal recommendations from a counselor. The LA Weight Loss plan focuses on portion control, rather than restricting foods. There are some restrictions, however, such as how much sodium, sugar, alcohol and caffeine dieters may consume. Dieters are also urged to purchase LA Weight Loss brand snacks and supplements. The diet also recommends regular exercise.
Benefits: There is no calorie counting, all meal plans are laid out according to portion size. The low-calorie balanced meal plan and exercise recommendation will help you lose weight and fit within nutritional guidelines.
The Down Side: The initiation fee, weekly fees and supplement costs can add up and the diet may become expensive. Not specific exercise plan is outlined in the diet. The healthy meal plan can help you lose weight without the added products or supplements, so experts warn that dieters should beware pushy salesmen. Doctors also warn that the program may be too strict for some, causing the occasional binge.